If you don’t have a perfect credit score or the time to wait for a business loan to process, a bank might not be your best option but we are.
Personal Loan from Rapid Investments Ltd. will help you borrow for expenditures of a personal nature – whether you want to borrow money for an emergency, for education, for a vacation or any other need like a wedding in the family.
Personal Loan from Rapid Investments Ltd. will help you borrow for expenditures of a personal nature – whether you want to borrow money for an emergency, for education, for a vacation or any other need like a wedding in the family. You can avail Loan ranging from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh with flexible tenures ranging between 6 months and 3 years.*
*Subject to conditions.
Personal Loan are not secured by any collateral or security and are disbursed at the discretion of Rapid Investments Ltd. based on the creditworthiness of the borrower.
Rapid Investments Ltd. provides Personal Loan for both self-employed and salaried individuals. In order to determine your Personal Loan eligibility, you have to meet certain parameters. Rapid Investments Ltd. will base your eligibility on your credit score and your existing liabilities, which will be used to ascertain your creditworthiness.
We will be glad to help you with any questions regarding the Personal Loan from Rapid Investments Ltd. Please feel free to contact our customer representative at +91-22-28305988 or email us at [email protected].
Rapid Investments Ltd. has made the documentation process simple for availing a Personal Loan. Please provide a self-attested copy of any one document from each category, from the list given below:
Rapid Investments Limited was founded in the year 1979-80 with a clear objective: to engage in various business ventures and provide valuable financial services.
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