Rapid Investments Ltd.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism


This document lays down a clear and transparent mechanism which aims at minimizing the instances of Customer complaints and grievances by providing proper service and having a comprehensive review mechanism to ensure prompt redressal of the same. The Company will lay stress on improving its Customer service continuously in order to achieve high Customer satisfaction.

Guiding Principles

The Company aims to provide best customer service and is consistently striving on creating a robust and efficient customer service platform.

Under normal circumstances, the Customer complaints may arise due to:

  • Inadequate functions/arrangements/services made available to the Customers or gaps in standards of services expected and actual services provided.
  • Attitudinal aspects in dealing with the Customers.

In case any of these circumstances is encountered by the Customer, the Customer has a right to register a complaint with the Company. The complaint may be given in writing, orally or over telephone. In case the complaint is not resolved within the given time, or if the Customer is not satisfied with the resolution, the Customer can approach the Banking Ombudsman or any relevant higher authority for grievance redressal.

Customer Complaints pertaining to digital lending

In accordance with the RBI Circular on Guidelines on Digital Lending dated September 02, 2022, the Principal Nodal Officer of the Company shall act as the nodal grievance redressal officer to deal with FinTech/ digital lending related complaints/ issues raised by the borrowers. Such grievance redressal officer shall also deal with complaints against their respective Digital Lending Apps/Platforms (DLAs). Further, the facility of lodging complaint shall also be made available on the website of the Company.

Any complaint forwarded to the Company from an outsourced vendor/ lodged by the customer regarding an outsourced vendor shall be handled in accordance with the terms of this policy document.

Registration of Grievances/ Complaints

If the customers have any issues or wish to register a complaint or grievance, they can reach us through any of the following channels:

Channel of Complaint Registration:-

1) Branch
Customer shall contact to any branch for any grievance where the Branch Manager shall be the first point of communication with the customer,

2) Customer Care Centre
The customer can also call to the centralized customer care team on +91 22 4960 8349. The Branch, on behalf of customer can also communicate the same to the centralized customer care. Contact details of centralized customer care desk is also displayed in each branch office.

3) Write to us
The customer can also communicate with us by emailing us on [email protected] or raising their concern on our website at “Contact Us

Appointment of Internal Ombudsman

The Company has also appointed Internal Ombudsman in accordance with RBI circular on ‘Appointment of Internal Ombudsman by Non-Banking Financial Companies’ dated November 15, 2021 to adhere to the guidelines as prescribed.

Responsibility of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors have formalised a suitable grievance redressal system/ mechanism within the company for ensuring that all those disputes which arise out of those decisions made by the organization’s functionaries are addressed and disposed of at the next higher level.

The Board shall periodically review the compliance to Fair Practice Code and the functioning of the grievances redressal mechanism. A consolidated report on such reviews conducted by the Internal Audit Department shall be submitted to the Board/ ACB from time-to-time, as might be directed by it.

Policy Severable:

This policy read with RBI Master Direction constitutes the entire document in relation to its subject matter. In the event that any term, condition or provision of this policy being held to be a violation of any applicable law, statute or regulation, the same shall be severable from the rest of this policy and shall be of no force and effect, and this policy shall remain in full force and effect as if such term, condition or provision had not originally been contained in this Policy. Further, the regulatory guidelines as prescribed shall prevail in the event of any amendments or requirements not incorporated in the policy.


Any change in the policy shall be approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. Any amendment in the regulatory guidelines shall prevail and necessary amendment shall be carried out at a subsequent date in the policy. The Board of Directors of the Company shall have the right to withdraw and / or amend any part of this policy or the entire policy, at any time, as it deems fit, or from time to time, subject to applicable law in force7231832280